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Вячеслав Ловейкін, Костянтин Почка / Vjacheslav Lovejkin, Konstantin Pochka



АНОТАЦІЯ. Розроблено конструкцію роликової формувальної установки з приводом від високомоментного крокового двигуна, що вмонтований в укочувальні ролики і забезпечує комбінований режим зворотно-поступального руху формувального візка з оптимальним динамічним реверсуванням.

АННОТАЦИЯ. Разработана конструкция роликовой формовочной установки с приводом от высокомоментного шагового двигателя, вмонтированного в укатывающие ролики и обеспечивающего комбинированный режим возвратно-поступательного движения формовочной тележки с оптимальным динамическим реверсированием.

ABSTRACT. Purpose. Improvement of a design of the driving mechanism of roller forming installation for increase of its reliability and durability is the purpose of work. Methodology/approach. Researches in this work are of analytical character. Findings. As a result of the conducted researches the combined mode of back and forth motion of the forming cart with an optimum dynamic reversal is calculated. The design of roller forming installation with the drive from the high-moment step engine which is built in the rolling rollers of the forming cart of installation is developed. Use in installation of the drive from the high-moment step engine which realizes the optimum dynamic mode of a reversal leads to improvement of quality of a surface to the processed concrete mix, reduction of dynamic loadings in elements of the driving mechanism, to disappearance of excessive destructive loads of a frame design and, respectively, to increase of reliability and durability of installation in general. Research limitations/implications. Results of work can be further useful at specification and improvement of the existing engineering methods of a calculation of driving mechanisms of cars of roller formation both at design/designing stages, and in the modes of real operation. Originality/value. The work has scientific and practical interest.


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  4. Lovejkіn V.S., Pochka K.І., 2004. Dina-mіchnij analіz rolikovoyi formovochnoyi ustanovki z rekuperacіjnim privodom [The dynamic analysis of roller forming installation with the rekuperativ drive]. Dinamіka, mіcnіst і nadіjnіst sіlsko-gospodarskih mashin [Dynamics, durability and reliability of farm vehicles]. Pr. І-ї Mіzhna-rodnoї naukovo-tehnіchnoї konferencії (DSR AM-I) [Works of the first International scientific and technical conference (DSR AM-I)]. Ternopіl, 507-514.
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  8. Lovejkіn V.S.,  Pochka K.І., Chovnjuk Ju.V., Dіkteruk M.G., 2014. Ustanovka dlja formuvannja virobіv z betonnih sumіshej [Installation for formation of products from concrete mixes]. Patent Ukrayini na vinahіd № 105744 [Patent of Ukraine for the invention № 105744]. Bjul.   № 11 vіd 10.06.2014 r. [The bulletin No. 11 from 10.06.2014].
Категорія: Випуск 86 | Додав: Wormgear (03.03.2017)
Переглядів: 392 | Теги: привід, режим руху, кроковий двигун, ролик, роликова формувальна установка | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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